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Real estate and the Construction Industry in Bulgaria

real estate and the construction industry in bulgaria

Real estate activities have been on the rise during 2011-2014 in Bulgaria. The sector has been able to keep with GDP growth for the aforementioned period and significantly surpass it for the year 2013. Overall it plays a major role in the Bulgarian Economy, since its share as a percentage of the GDP is close to 10%. The following diagram depicts the breakdown of new construction projects for the years 2013-2014.



We can see that there is a shifting trend from Civil engineering projects to construction of buildings, mostly residential ones. That trend is more obvious in the following diagram, which shows the number of residential buildings constructed during the period 2007-2014(actually the diagram refers to the net house built which means excluding the ones that have been demolished /destroyed).


It is obvious that the trend is clearly upwards, which means that year after year more and more houses are built. This creates significant opportunities for construction companies that are on the look for new markets to expand. SFAIRA will be able to benefit significantly from an expansion to the Bulgarian market. Thus SFAIRA is expanding in the Bulgarian real estate market, aiming at constructing as well as financing new development projects.
