Veranzerou 1 (6th floor) Athens - downtown 10677

+30 2144089305

Land for investing

sfaira offers the opportunity to study and construct buildings on the land/ area of its own or its customers’ ownership.
The design and study of these projects take into consideration the special needs of potential users as well as their wills. The designs are of high quality just like every other task performed by the company, based on the principles of bio-clima architecture.
In case it is requested, we can provide solutions and innovative ideas in order to modify and decorate the interior of the houses, manage the garden and select the parking space. Future work, like the implemented projects and the projects under construction, provided by sfaira are buildings whose main feature is the modern architectural design of the interior and shared rooms, where the most suitable way of making use of new technologies is selected allowing for modification according to the taste of the potential buyer-user.

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