Veranzerou 1 (6th floor) Athens - downtown 10677

+30 2144089305

Health & Safety

Health Protection: sfaira applies strict health security in order to minimize the likelihood of accidents. The Health Protection System includes:

  • Identification of the harmful factors and notification of the employees about the impact on their health.
  • Provision and enforcement of individual means of health protection.
  • Cleanliness maintenance and disinfection of premises and facilities.
  • Training and exercises on First Aid and Rescue.
  • Complete communications and direct connection with external rescue services (hospitals, health centers, etc.)
  • Maintenance and processing of health monitoring files for employees.


Job Safety: In every workplace of the company, special attention is paid towards Job Safety so as protect employees and prevent their involvement in accidents.

The Job Safety System serves to fully protect workers from accidents. The management and control of the security system is administrated by the security technician and includes:

  • Compliance with the laws of Greece and the EU
  • Obtaining all necessary licenses, registration, operating utility, controls, fire safety, building, etc. for all equipment, facilities and personnel.
  • Offering individual protection means.
  • Sign installation in all workplaces.
  • Issuing and compliance with approved safety regulations for each position and specialization.
  • Issuing of manuals presenting safety rules by subject, which are distributed to the personnel.
  • Regular training of all employees.
  • Regular safety exercises and protection against fire.
  • Security systems control and job safety in the workplace.
  • Recruitment of experienced scientists in charge of the departments’ supervision.
  • Statistical monitoring of accidents.