Veranzerou 1 (6th floor) Athens - downtown 10677

+30 2144089305

Indicative Studies


Sfaira conducts studies Electrical, Industrial and Energy for multinational companies, smaller private companies and government both in Greece and abroad.

Indicative are:

Study for the Public Power Corporation SA (PPC)

entitled: «Production and Distribution of water on islands and cities with installation and operation of desalination plants-Renewable Energies»

and reffered to the study of establishment of desalination plants in conjunction with Renewable Energy Desalination solutions in conjunction with drainage / hydroelectric to wind energy for the islands and Management Electrical Network.
Study for Trade & Industry of Syria (Syria)

entitled: «Panel Switchboard Production Line »

which involved implementation study for the creation of automated manufacturing plant Electrical Panels.
Study for BP HELLAS SA (Petroleum Facilities Drapetsona)
which includes:

  • Presentation of the status quo and wiring diagrams (37 projects tables, vertical tables diagram, site plan tables).
  • Deviations from the current Greek legislation ELOT HD384, deviations from the international standard of the European Union EN 60439-1:1999 and compatibility with standards set by the BP GROUP.
  • Sort lists in categories such as direct replacement (emergency), essential relief and necessary amendments.
  • Specific proposed solutions for each case to cover all the requirements (Greek, European and private BP).
  • Costing (budget) for these solutions per priority area. The project costed in two phases, with completion will cover all the above requirements.

Study for Wind Hellas SA (Athens Avenue main building)
entitled: «Energy rehabilitation of the Telecommunications Energy Center»

which includes:

    • General monorail electrical power installation plan showing the interconnection M / S, E / G and the general table (current situation).
    • General monorail electrical power installation plan showing the addition of M / S, E / G, rectifiers, Tables and Cells).
    • Technical Description of the project that will divide the project into phases, timing and method of implementation of the project.
    • Technical Requirements for M / S, cell MT, E / G Fields XT, cables and bars.


  • Architectural plans new space M / S, E / G and remedial.
  • Air Conditioning and Fire Protection of these sites.
  • Floor plans routing cables and bars.





Study Building & Authorization

From the office of construction company sfaira providing services such as design, supervision, construction and financial management of projects, is specialized, coordination, control and immediacy of intervention projects clients and guarantee the quality and the excellent cooperation ensuring the smooth their path from the study until the completion of the project.

sfaira is able to produce a full technical design, tailor and perform all necessary procedures to allow the legal implementation. The experience gained from the implementation of the study to ensure correctness and accuracy.
